Best in Bags ...?

Can somebody please tell me why after patch 8.3 AMR is telling me my optimal setup takes me down 26 item levels and reduces my DPS by 9%?

I updated the addon, so no idea.


If I had to guess, I’d say that maybe you dropped one of your items and it isn’t equipped. Try tracing your steps from when you got out of bed this morning and see if you can find it, or if you have a dog or a cat, check if it hid it somewhere.

But we can do better than guessing! Press the “help” link next to the big Best in Bags section header, then press the Create Support Post button. It will generate a snapshot ID, copy that and paste it here. With that I can reproduce your case exactly and see if anything is going on.

We also did a website update just a few minutes ago with some bug fixes – could also try re-importing and optimizing again to see if anything changes.


Thanks – I’ll take a look. This seems to be an edge case where if you only have one item available in your bags for your off hand, it will use that no matter what (and then not be able to equip a 2-hander in the main hand). We’ll fix that in an update, probably sometime later today.

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