Blood DK: AMR ignoring tier gear?

AMR seems to be ignoring tier gear? I have 5/6 heroic pieces and it’s not equipping them in BiB or BiS. Only 2 replacement pieces have a higher ilvl. I don’t believe some stat variation on the same ilvl piece is worth giving up 4-set or even 2-set? Are you sure this is working correctly?

Also BiS recommends swapping 875 DM:immortality with the same trinket? Bug?’goroth/oong

Simulations I’ve run don’t rate the 4pc tier bonus highly.
I’m running a personal gearing strategy off my own sims, but it rarely suggest I have more than 2pc of tier equipped.

I’m assume the default AMR gearing is similar.

I’ve regularly run into an issue where if I have more than one of an identical item, BiB will suggest I swap to the other item - seems to prefer the items in your bag/bank than equipped for some strange reason. Could be related?

If you have an example of it swapping for an identical item, feel free to post it here (addon export string and any relevant settings like link to custom gearing strategy). It shouldn’t do that… I can look into it.

When ticking BiS it suggests swapping DM trinket for itself. I have only one.
Not sure how to export my filter settings.


4 piece generates more runes => more heart strikes => more death strikes. I guess that doesn’t add a huge amount defensively. However I have the belt (HS reduces VB CD) so I would think that would be worth a decent amount.

Strange… I ran that and it doesn’t suggest swapping the darkmoon trinket for itself, says you have it… wonder what would cause you to see something different…

Napkin Math:
4 piece bonus is a 25% chance of Death Strike generating 1 Rune.
1 Rune = 15 Runic power (via Heart Strike, 10 otherwise).

25% chance of this is equivalent to 3.75 Runic power per Death Strike.
Or one additional free Death Strike every 12.
(Assuming Heart Strike as above, and ignore any legendary impacts)

Nice to have, but I can see why stats might easily outweigh it.