Data import not working from Add on is a Wow-side issue

The data import from Game into the web interface is not reading artifact weapons correctly.
For example, when I import, it reads my artifact weapon as level 750 and not 934, as it is in game.

Did some testing
Zygor is also reading the artifact weapon as 750 and not 934
Pawn is also reading the artifact weapon as 750 and not 934.

If you import from the armory, the ilvls are correct.
It’s a Wow-side issue.

When you use our in-game addon, you need to actually open up the artifact UI in-game at least once after installing our addon. Then you also need to open up the netherlight crucible at least once. (If you have any relics in your inventory, you should preview them each once as well).

After that, the addon can keep the information in sync automatically.

Worked. Thanks Zoopercat!