Error when running Gear Strategy

I’ve been trying to update my gear strategy since yesterday. My last three attempts resulted in this error about the 50% completed mark.

A switch turned itself on and then immediately turned itself off: NoRefresh. This will almost always result in an infinite loop.

Hmmm, could you link me to the report? I want to see what talents/gear you were using. I added that in to avoid refreshing a garrote that was empowered by subterfuge, but there must be some case where it isn’t working correctly.

I can link you mine because it does it to me as well. It works fine if I select Subterfuge or Shadow Focus, but when using Nighstalker, it throws that error out there.

Ah, yeah, I see the problem. I’ll implement that a different way and it’ll fix it.

Much obliged. I didn’t even realize what the problem was until I found this thread.

I get the same ‘A switch turned itself on and then immediately turned itself off: NoRefresh. This will almost always result in an infinite loop.’

Here is the code export from in-game I was using. It also generates the same error when clicking ‘find best in bags’ then simulating that too.
