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Hi all, I’m having this weird problem. Mr. Robot page will load, I can login, But I can’t enter any information. Can not enter realm, or char-name, no matter what I have done I just can’t click the buttons to choose an option. I can enter a Char-String in the load box, but it does nothing just sits there. I have cleaned cookies or whatever, restarted, can’t get anywhere.

Please help!
Thank you, Ken

Strange – are you getting some kind of javascript error? Or are you blocking javascript with a plugin maybe?

After I login I get this page!/1ffc3c421b

I can click on name and enter my name. I can use the option menu up top. I can enter info in the paste data section, but it does nothing. Can’t click on realm or region wont give me the option to click. No with the java, nothings changed, just the website, I used it the other day, maybe 5-6days ago, and now I click use it, lol.

What browser are you using?

You could also try going directly to the gear page by using the menu at the top of the web page

I’m using Chrome, I just tryed Internet Explorer and got the same results. I did notice I can not click on “Gear or Simulator” buttons. This is really strange

Yeah that is really strange… it’s like no javascript at all is functioning on the website for you… do you have anything that could be blocking it, like an antivirus program?

Nope, even tryed reinstalling Chrome, Beats me

When you click on your username, does the menu show up?

If you go to and click on the dropdown, does the character picker window open?

After opening that page in a new window, The only thing that shows up besides the top menu bar is the drop down bar to the top left which I cant click at all.

So after many attempts to get the Website working properly. I ended up deleted chrome & reinstalling it. Reset my routers, New wireless drivers and whatnot. I did several tries at finding a virus but found none. I used Microsoft Windows Defender and AdWearCleaner. I still believe I had some sort of torrent/virus. I did A fresh Windows install and now the site works as it should. Thanks for helping.

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