So'azmi tavazesh listed as part 2 but actually in part 1

Hello! I noticed that the loot from Zo’azmi is listed as “Tavazesh, part 2”

But in my attempt to acquire the shinies I realised that So’azmi is actually in the first part, " Streets of Wonder", as you can see in the announcement of Tavazesh Heroic.

So the loot from So’azmi should probably be corrected so that it’s clearer where it’s found.
Furthermore, I think “Part 1” and “Part 2” isn’t super helpful.

In the journal they are listed as “Streets of Wonder” and “So’leah’s Gambit”. And as you can see, they are listed in reversed order as to the chronology of the dungeon.


I think it’d be more helpful to just print out the name as it is in the dungeon finder…

I can update it – when I did all the data, the dungeon journal on the PTR didn’t have it split yet, so I didn’t know the names and just put in a placeholder.

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