Hello there!
Over the past couple weeks, I have been throughly reviewing the current default Vengeance DH Rotation and making changes to it to reflect the more nuanced decisions that Vengeance players make when playing their spec. Vengeance is a very complex spec, in my opinion, and I think that the current Default rotation was a bit too simplistic for what the real-world users actually have to deal with.
First off, here is my revised rotation:
A good majority of the changes I made are related to the use of certain legendaries, but I’ll try to go over all the changes one by one:
I changed the use of Fiery Brand so that it will be prioritized to use it only when the time until a big hit is longer than the current CD of Fiery Brand. When it comes to farm content, yes, people use Fiery Brand on CD and primarily as a DPS increase. However, with progression content, Fiery Brand is often saved as a survivability CD instead. I think this forms a happy medium where it’ll still get used if the “Player” knows there is time for its CD to refresh before the next Big Hit, but will save it otherwise.
I modified Empower Wards to be used a bit more like Demon Spikes. With the use of the legendary pants, Wards gets a second charge. So I figured it’d be smart to use this more intelligently instead of purely “When a big magic hit is coming.”
The way Demonic Infusion was used before did not take into account the fact that it generates 60 Fury as well as recharging all of your Spikes. It also didn’t take into account the Legendary Pants adding an extra charge of Demon Spikes. So it now will only use Demonic Infusion only when below 40 pain and, if the Legendary Pants are equipped, it will still use Infusion even when 1 charge is remaining.
I split up the behaviors of how to use Immolation Aura depending on what Legendaries you are wearing. If you are wearing the Back, it will save Immolation Aura for Big Magic Hits, if the time to a Big Magic Hit is shorter than the CD on Immolation Aura. If you are wearing the Legendary Boots, it’ll attempt to save Immolation Aura for AoE situations to make the most out of its CD reduction on Fiery Brand. Otherwise, it just uses Aura normally. Full Disclosure: This is the part I am currently the most unsure about. Primarily because I do not know how exactly this sim works with both the Cloak and the Boots on. I’m still experimenting to see what happens in that situation.
Spirit Bomb will now prioritize use at lower Soul Fragment #s if you have the Soul Barrier buff (much like Soul Cleave in the Default Rotation.) When you have used Soul Barrier, it is beneficial to consume fragments as often as possible, even if it does not result in the highest amount of self-healing. Spirit Bomb will also, in general, be used even if there is only 4 Soul Fragments up. It’s generally not necessary to wait until 5 to use it.
If the Legendary Hands are equipped, the sim will save Sigil of Flames for AoE events if possible. Additionally, if the Hands are equipped, the sim will also save Fiery Brand for times when health is below 50%.
If the player has the Talent Razor Spikes, the sim will save Fel Eruption for when you have Demon Spikes up.
Changed Fracture to be used anytime Soul Fragments are <= 4 instead of 3. Now that we auto-consume Fragments, there’s no real point in worrying about going over 5.
And, I think the final one, and a very small change. If the player has Prydaz and Archimonde’s on, they will not use Archimonde’s if the Prydaz bubble is also currently active. The Prydaz bubble cannibalizes the Absorb on Archimonde’s if it came first. If both aren’t used up, then the damaging explosion from Archimonde’s will be smaller. This is a super small change, but it seemed to make a marginal difference in DPS, at least. This may lower survivability a small bit, though. This probably requires a bit more testing.
So, I think that’s everything! I’m going to follow up this post with a bunch of comparison sims for you to take a look at. I am still learning the language used in the AMR back-end, so if there are janky ways that I did things, please do let me know!