Can't Exclude Items

I have not been able to exclude items for any of my builds. Specifically I want to remove all the mana trinkets that AMR keeps recommending for holy paladins because we NEVER have a mana issue…ever. Not sure if its recommending it for a generic healing build like a druid who could really use it but holy paladins definitely never need extra mana.

You can exclude items by opening up the list (click on any item/slot after running Best in Bags), finding the item you wish to exclude, and then click the exclude button/icon on the far right.

yeah it doesn’t work. it still gets used and suggests it

If you provide some more details, we can try out your case. Post the addon export string that you copy from the in-game addon to our site (so that we can see your character exactly as you see it). Then let us know which feature you are using (best in bags, best in slot), and which item(s) you are trying to exclude.


The feature i am using is best in bags, holy paladin raiding, and i am trying to exclude the 2 mana trinkets. The fangs and the fathoms trinkets.

When I look at your character, I see only one mana trinket: fang of intertwined essence. And when I run best in bags, it does not pick it, it replaces it with Conch of Dark Whispers.

Perhaps some of your other settings are changing the result. Which spec do you have set as your highest priority spec? What do you have reorigination array set to? And do you have anything else locked in place, like azerite powers or gems/enchants?

I also tried e.g. excluding the Conch of Dark Whispers – that worked, when i press re-optimize, it give me a result with a different trinket.

I have reorigination array set to 750. The other mana trinket is the Darkmoon Deck: Tides. Thresholds both set to disabled. And the order doesn’t seem to matter, whether its top/mid/bottom it always picks the Fangs trinket and Darkmoon Deck one

I have tried multiple browsers and have tried multiple computers with cleared cache. Still no luck at excluding any item. What is different about the test you are doing?

The exclude function seems to work on custom strategies but not the built in adaptive strategies. At least not on my end.

I just used these settings:

Maybe you have different talents? With the above, it produces this result:

With those settings, I was able to reproduce the issue where excluding the tides deck didn’t seem to work… I’ll look into that. We added that feature pretty recently, might be a few edge cases hanging around, maybe some kind of conflict with the reorigination array setting…

The talents you have selected are for my mythic + build. I found last night the problems seems to be associated with the built in gearing strategies. When using my own custom strategies the exclude seemed to work. I’d prefer to use the adaptive gearing strategies though since i am constantly getting new gear and dont want to re-sim each time.

Also may have something to do with the saving of data for my account. You have a generic holy paladin setup with my data…on my end I have saved information and maybe there is an issue with saved data not clearing out properly for me.

What I am looking at is exactly what is in the data that you gave me – those are the talents you had on in-game the last time you exported. It’s probable that you have chosen different talents for optimizing though.

The gearing strategy that you use wouldn’t impact the exclude feature – it’s probably just coincidence that it seems to work with one and not the other. I’m still looking into that one.

I think part of the issue is that you have the item equipped that you want to exclude… so in parts of the optimizer that is causing a logical conflict: if you have the item equipped, we assume that you are willing to use it!

I’ll try to put some code in to deal with that conflict and make the exclusion take a higher priority than your currently equipped gear.

should i just remove all gear before optimizing?

No, that is generally not necessary nor is it recommended.