Main Stat and Secondary Stats, why are Secondary better then Main?

Hey Guys, I see on Icy-Veins things like:

The stat priority for a Destruction Warlock is:

1. Haste;
2. Critical Strike;
3. Intellect;
4. Versatility;
5. Mastery.

Why would Intellect be on the 3rd spot? Is main Stat not the most important one? Like if i get an item that has +230 more intellect but drops my haste by say -230 points. Would my dps suffer with the item that has more intellect and less haste? I don’t fully get this idea and why is it so. (Some other classes also have this that your “Main” stat ranks 2/3rd.


Hi Motcom,

So the way you’re looking at the stat priority is very static in nature. Stats are very reliant on each other. Int is not always the most important stat, in fact I’d say for most cases it’s not.

Let’s use your example, if an item drops that has 230 more intellect but drops 230 haste that value would have to go into another stat, that would relatively change the value of what ever stat it gains, lets say that’s mastery. Mastery then gains 230 and it might drop the value of mastery but increase the value of haste since you have less.

AMR knows how to handle this interaction through machine learning. It looks at all your stats and effects and ranks them relative to each other accordingly.


Hey Nemo,

OK, I think i have an idea of how this should work.

My Intellect is 56,394, Haste is 9,184 for me atm. Loosing 230 Intellect will not be that much of a loss then losing 230 haste right? The ratio of how much 1 point to each, like 1 point of intellect is not as much worth as 1 point of haste.

The only problem this gives is that some items have more value in secondary stats but their item level is lower thus. This causes you not to get accepted into looking for raid groups for heroic or normal’s as your ilvl is lower. If I look at my Best in Bags and Compare it to my Best Item level its by almost 5 or 8 ilvl’s appart. At lest to an extend where I don’t suffer 4 set bonus loss.

I can do 920+ ilvl but my Best in Bags would be 915/914 'ish. So if I enlist with 920+ i would surely get accepted easier then 915 or 916. But If I keep that gear on my dps would be actually less (with the 920) then the Best in Bags one.

What do you think?

My Cloak for instance is 950ilvl, 1945 int, 728 haste, 392 mastery -> no set item
MR Robot wants me to use 890ilvl, 1112 int, 332 haste, 562 ver -> set item

I understand that I need a set item or its better to have the 4 set, my query is would 950 with 1945 int not be BiS for me no matter what? Cause its the highest Intellect gear I have? Ok haste is good on it too but not great. But the pure Intellect part?

What do you think


When you sign up for a group in the group finder, it uses your bag item level, not your equipped. So you’re fine on that front.

As for the 950 cloak vs the 890 cloak, I could totally understand why it would pick the 890 over the 950 since it’s a set piece. Set pieces can make or break DPS and are usually worth a lot more than int or secondaries. What I would suggest you try doing is just a quick compare. Put on what you think is your better equipment do a single sim run and then do a single sim run of what BiB considers better and see which is higher.

If you need help we’re always in the discord channel.

I can do the single run comparison for you if you could send me your addon export string :smiley:

Hey Nemo,

There is a lot of gear I accumulated, give me your 2 cents of what you thing should be BiB: $52;EU;Lightbringer;Katenip;Incarnate;5;1;110;10:800,15:99,11:772,13:1,14:700,12:600;3;.s1;31;3112213;915,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,70,354,37,211,1,1,1,107;4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,4,1,1,1,1;137377b1537b1727b3337,140818b1492b3336b3444,151013b3194b3337b3397;;.s2;32;3221222;1170,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,169,37,214,1,1,1,104;1,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,4,1,1,2,1;137549b1532b3528b3573,151009b3179b3336b3397,147755b1482b3528b3572;;.s3;33;1212123;803,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,537,37,217,1,1,1,101;1,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,4,1,1,8,1;141520b1527b3336b3573,142183b1572b3337b3418,137542b1562b3528b3573;;.q1;128942s16b747x137377y3441z10195;3465s9b1064b1759;48s8b-111b111;5856s10b-2053b1820b179;3s1b-2049b1869b184;6s5b-3479b1456b1839b180;3s3b-2029b2029b12;762s6b-1956b1956b45;1724s14b-2071b1834b181;6175s15b-1985b1805b225e5436;8s7b-2065b311b1720b34x-20793;10s13b-2080b2046b33;11s2b-2064b2031b34;8s11b-2080b2046b33e-8;745s12b-2079b2046b44e0;.q2;128943s17b748x137549y13460z-3254;3464s9b1063b1759;48s8b-111b111;4791s16;1065s10b-2053b1820b179;3s1b-2049b1869b184;6s5b-3479b1456b1839b180;3s3b-2029b2029b12;762s6b-1956b1956b45;1724s14b-2071b1834b181;6175s15b-1985b1805b225e5436;8s7b-2065b311b1720b34x-17535;10s13b-2080b2046b33;11s2b-2064b2031b34;8s11b-2080b2046b33e-8;745s12b-2079b2046b44e0;.q3;128941s16b749x141520y663z-4641;3466s9b1062b1759;48s8b-111b111;5856s10b-2053b1820b179;3s1b-2049b1869b184;6s5b-3479b1456b1839b180;3s3b-2029b2029b12;762s6b-1956b1956b45;1724s14b-2071b1834b181;6175s15b-1985b1805b225e5436;8s7b-2065b311b1720b34x-7322;10s13b-2080b2046b33;19s11b-2079b2046b33e-8;744s2b-3519b1440b2046b44e9;1s12b-2090b2046b44e-9;.r;_;.inv;5512;1436;1435;21800;2654;633;9632;1527;7390;59;932;11389;4811;2424;2;80;1272;10090;3065;1256;1713;3359;16525;0;80;42;6;1;1;1;1;0;1;0;2;4;1425;996;0;0;1;1705;2;1572;672;545;4892;295v110b1683b129;31v0b-116b116;60;42;1141;1585;2;1;1;1;7;6;1;1;1;1;3;0;313;0;0;1;0;1;1;1;3;191b-1188b25e5326;2369;33;797;1;5;7;457;49;154;3;28;141;263b98x137377y3441z10195;1b1x-13464y13460z-3254;1232;45;683;906;374;17;12;1;18;126b1063b1759;12b-111b70b41x-17535e102;12b-111b111;12b-1759b1759e12;51b-1759b1759x0e-3;8b-111b70b41x0e-9;1119;36;30b-2038b1804b77;4b-1881b1996b45;316;262b-2011b1775b80;2b-1870b277b1513;1b-1795b266b16b1513;44b-1785b256b1528b237x0;142b-2031b266b1529b76x28e8;11b-1871b1795b74;5b-1884b199b1610;11b-1794b185b81b1529x0;56b-1785b1785b80;51b-1885b195b1610;1870;338b-2734b939b1986b45;457;104b-2031b184b1611;0b-1800b1799b237;3b-2031b1795b76;27b-1876b1880b111;19b-1986b1795b76;144b-1871b1795b76;3b-1861b1785b80;1b-1875b1795b76;33b-1871b1794b237;101;39;323;10;97;12;2;2;119;71b-2096b1859b178;56b-2027b321b1708b12;37;2;317;146;190b-1976b272b1513;62b-1815b302b1512;112b-3294b1460b2026b45e454;27b-2071b2026b45;109;408;18;0;7;3;0;3;2;39;2;335;379;1;9;1;5;0;205b-2091b1962b84;6b-2056b2042b14;2b-2031b1839b180;49b-2029b1849b108;1b-1957b2029b12;1b-2046b1962b84;2b-2046b1962b84;1b-2046b1855b106;0b-1951b1844b108;33b-3403b1446b2029b12;9b-2031b1839b180e-462;1b-2039b2038b13e1;1b-2046b1962b84e8;384b-1986b1986b45;69;254;47;280;185;0;43b-2076b2031b45;10b-2076b1840b115;1b-3412b1472b1824b80e-8;2b-1919b1839b76;162;1;65;106b-2807b892b2010b21;971;218b-1981b1789b237;5b-2026b1789b237;0b-2031b1986b45;698b-2091b1855b106e7;5b-1961b331b1631;53;23b-1912b1996b45;27b-1901b1856b45;725b-2026b1789b237;164b-2061b164b1852b39;142b-2050b291b1528b231;42b-2960b905b296b1720b39;0b-2960b905b2016b39;12b-2050b187b1632b231;2b-2050b163b1656b231;6b-2050b160b1659b231;2b-2035b174b102b1529b230x-28;2b-2045b160b1654b231;466b-2045b2006b38;4b-2024b1986b45;22b-2051b188b1818b38;680b-3525b1501b1795b57;104b-1872b303b1511;105b-1849b1849b225;2b-2079b2046b33;6b-3520b1441b2046b33;3b-2074b1849b225;2b-3520b1446b1849b225;1b-2079b2046b33;2b-2079b2046b33;12b-2064b2031b34;7b-2080b2046b33;163b-2079b2046b33;1b-2079b2046b33;9b-2079b2046b33;44b-1889b40b1816b45;26b-1821b1382b202b237;86;1;5;96;110;170b-3530b1439b2046b44;2b-2090b2046b44;0b-2090b2046b44;1b-2090b2046b44;30b-2090b2046b44;2586b-433b389b51;634b-2032b1848b133;3b-1971b1779b59;3b-1843b1784b59;17b-216b157b61;1b-223b223b131;1b-354b223b131;495b-394b202b231;57;0;6;1;0;527;792b-3526b1431b245b1811;112;124$

I am Katenip on Lightbringer EU, Destro Lock

I can’t really get into the tier 20 thing yet as I only have 2 pieces. But that is not my biggest concern. It was/is about “Main Stat” being rated lower then “Secondary”


Hey Motcom,

So this is mainly true for every class/spec, not just warlocks. It’s just a by-product of the way Blizzard Designed classes in legion.

So here’s the results of the 2 sims with 950 - 4pc19 vs 890 - 4pc19 + 2pc20.

Your current gear -

BiB suggestion -

As you can see in the example, BiB gained you 64k DPS by changing items and putting on the 2 pieces of T20. Losing primary stat isn’t always a bad thing, special effects are usually worth a lot more. I also noticed that you had the bracers on, the reason it swaps out your bracers is because it provides no benefit on a single target fight since there is no target to cleave off of.