
When I use my work PC to connect to the askmrrobot website I get a white screen and a jungle of words ever since BfA launch -whats wrong?

Which browser are you using? What is “a jungle of words”?

Hi, browser is Microsoft Edge and by ‘jungle of words’ I mean I can see the words the website is meant to show but they are not formatted and I cannot click on anything eg logon, optimizer, etc

Microsoft Edge should be working on the site. Does your work have any kind of restrictions you are aware of? Does other sites behave similar?

What happen if you try to go to AMR with a different browser on your work PC?

Hi, not aware of any restrictions and other sites (wowhead, icy veins, etc) work fine. Unfortunately only have IE as an alternative and I get the message:

Our site no longer supports Internet Explorer (nor does Microsoft). You should get a newer browser!
We recommend Firefox or Chrome. (Edge is OK, but the other browsers will give you a much better experience.)
If you are seeing this message and not actually using Internet Explorer, contact technical support.

When I go to the askmrrob website

Then all I can think of is to try a force refresh. Go to the AMR website and press CTRL + F5.

If that doesn’t work, you can try to go to the AMR website, press F12, press the Network tab in the window that pops up, and press the “Always refresh from server” button, and reload the AMR webpage.

Hi, sorry got called away - thanks for the help. CTRL+F5 tidied up the page a bit but still didn’t get the AMR main webpage, just a white screen with the text. Will leave it for now.

Looks like you’re not loading all the necessary files. Are you using any browser extensions or are you on a network with some kind of filtering?

Can you please try again in a “InPrivate window” in Edge?

Same again in private mode. It is possible there is some kind of filtering on the work network, I will ask my IT man …

Yeah looks like css is not loading… if you press F12 and go to the network tab, do you see any failed requests?

Our css loads from another askmrrobot subdomain, so if the main site isn’t blocked, the css shouldn’t be either…