Add-On Changing Soublind

Hi there,

The add-on keeps changing my soulbind to Korayn as demonology, even though I’ve exported with Dreamweaver. Even when I tell it not to change talents it still changes the soulbind.

Am I missing something on the webpage to set my soulbind? I don’t see the option.


I’ll take a look, that option should also disable changing your soulbind but it appears that it’s not working as intended.

The optimizer will pick your soulbind/conduits for you. They appear as a row of icons above your gear. You can click on that row to further customize the solution, e.g. lock in a soulbind that you prefer.

Are you using more than one spec., in-game? If so, another spec. that is higher priority may have Korayn as Soulbind & be getting overridden when you import, prior to running BiB…

If you can provide a Snapshot ID - from the BiB help window - that will help to nail down any anomalies.