For some reason the AskMrRobot addon will block me from using items from my quest log. I’ll get a dialog box that says “AskMrRobot has blocked this action” and my options will be to disable the addon, or ignore. But if I ignore and click the quest item again it just pops back up.
A /reload will fix it for the immediate need, but the next time i go to a new area and try again the error just happens again.
What is the fix to this outside of doing a /reload every time or disabling the addon?
I’ve seen a similar “error” occur when I try to do certain actions, in-game, but attributed to a different add-on - I do wonder what ‘actually’ causes the error, as a relog or restart of the game rectifies the problem. I would be fair to conclude that the add-ons in any given installation may not always load in exactly the same order everytime you play & may cause conflicts; it may well be unfixable, but I’m not a coder.
To my knowledge, there is nothing that our addon does that could cause an issue like this.
Often times errors will be attributed to our addon simply because it loads first (they load in alphabetical order, AskMrRobot is near the front) so if another addon is using a shared library loaded by our addon, it gets attributed to our addon instead of the addon actually causing the problem.
Do you still get the error if you disable all other addons except AskMrRobot?
If you do, could you try the following: install these two addons to help trap errors:
Those will give you a minimap icon that will turn red when any other addon has an error (and it plays a sound too), and you can click the minimap icon to get a list of all errors that you can copy paste here for us to look at.
Hello, I often have this too when I activate the role change with the talent change activated.
here is the error that BugSack gives me :
12x [ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN] L’AddOn ‘AskMrRobot’ a tenté d’appeler la fonction protégée ‘UseAction()’.
[string “@!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua”]:480: in function
[string “=[C]”]: in function UseAction' [string "@FrameXML/SecureTemplates.lua"]:364: in function handler’
[string “@FrameXML/SecureTemplates.lua”]:690: in function <FrameXML/SecureTemplates.lua:672>
[string “@FrameXML/SecureTemplates.lua”]:704: in function <FrameXML/SecureTemplates.lua:697>
[string “@FrameXML/SecureTemplates.lua”]:746: in function SecureActionButton_OnClick' [string "@FrameXML/ActionButton.lua"]:109: in function TryUseActionButton’
[string “@FrameXML/ActionButton.lua”]:144: in function `ActionButtonDown’
[string “ACTIONBUTTON8”]:2: in function <[string “ACTIONBUTTON8”]:1>
If you are willing to do a little test, I think we’re close to figuring this out:
Log out of the game and disable all of your addons except AskMrRobot. Then re-enable the option in our addon to automatically change talents. Reload your UI or log out and back in again.
Do you still get the error? This will help us determine if another addon is causing an issue, or if it is the talent-swapping code that is causing the issue.