AMR/Sims work with any rotation helpers?

Curious if anyone has experience using something like the hekili addon and AMR. I am trying to see if I can somehow import AMR’s rotations into the addon to make sure I am getting similar results.

If anyone has any experience or may have a suggestion I would appreciate it.

We would like to support something like this in the future, but there isn’t a really easy way at the moment. Most such addons don’t read the AMR rotation format, so when I get some time, I would like to work on something that can interface with rotation addons more easily. I don’t have a time frame on that though.

Just to understand how you want to do it

Rotations are json files ?
So in theory you need to interprete the condition you’ve used on the rotation and converte it into lua and wow apl compatible ?
So you need a translator =D

Could it be a translator from json to WA ? :thinking:

Yeah in theory, anybody who wants could translate it to whatever format an addon wants to use – just have to find time to do it!

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