Snapshot: 0ab4d4cd992d4aa2988d7e4f376da7e2
So gearing out my Unholy DK, all of a sudden it’s telling me NOT to use my Titansteel Bonecrusher, Grasscutter, Sigil of the Wild Buck, and even my newly acquired Death-Inured Sabatons. Prior to this evening, it always seemed to recommend those (and this is in line with other pre-raid BIS sims and guides). Comparing the boots I had (Rift Striders) with the Death-Inured Sabatons, specifically, seems insanely silly [Sabatons are +16 crit, + blue socket, -12 stam from the Rift Striders]. Why would I trade crit and a socket for 12 stam? Not to mention the weapons, where The Bonecrusher/Grasscutter seem to sim out SUBSTANTIALLY higher than Reaper/Interrogator. Am I just missing something there?
My 2 chars so far that I play the most are my enhance Shaman and this DK; I’m unfortunately trusting AMR less so far with these toons than I did all TBC. Appreciate the hard work, though, and look forward to your thoughts.