Augury trinket not recommended by AMR

AMR tells me to remove the Augury trinket for my M+ spec. I thought this trinket was the one to rule them all. Am I missing something? Isn’t it good for me in M+?

Snap: 8844498c3d694c4994eacf3787bc228e

What in particular about the Augury trinket are people saying makes it amazing for your spec? We’re giving it an optimistic estimate right now and assuming you’ll get full damage when it triggers (and the effect scales with haste, vers, and crit – the wording is a bit weird but the end result is that you get full scaling with the three secondary stats that most flat damage effects scale with).

I am having the exact opposite problem. AMR is recommending me augury as my best trink as a devastation evoker. I realize that other models calculate differently but bloodmallet lists the augury being much lower down on the list. While AMR tells me augury is my best trink. Who is correct here? The discrepancy is huge.

BIS Setup: 1b8c161f3df142f79eee37c5c1dec5ed

For some reason that snapshot cannot be loaded, could you try creating another one?

As I have the same problem as sagerobot but on Ele Shaman, I’ll add my snapshot as well.
Augury is at max level (based on bullion sim) 2.5% stronger than any other trinket on AMR.

I asked in shaman discord why it wasn’t recommended to see what their view on the item was:
With current tier set, shaman doesn’t really want a lot of crit, it’s still useful but throwing lava bursts as often as possible that autocrit and don’t scale with crit outside of deeply rooted element procs really diminish the returns. Another item with main stat should outperform it but still sim it. The damaging effect caps out at a certain amount which is apparently easily reached even with autocrits increasing it a bit.

Static stats on trinkets are handled as part of our overall model for the spec, so it’s really the special effects that different people rank differently.

I put an adjustment to reduce its value a bit to be more in line with what people expect, though in general I suspect that direct damage trinket effects are slightly undervalued in most sources, since they are basing it on simulation data that has significantly higher DPS output than what most players achieve in-game (which would skew away from direct damage proc effects). In the end it’s not that big a deal and it’s one of those things that is hard to match up theoretical performance to what you will actually see in-game.