I’m trying to sort out the difference between AMR and SimC when it comes to doing the sims. I greatly prefer the AMR web interface and gear change tools so I’d like to figure out what’s going on in the sims differently.
Here are two results:
I noticed that since the last time I’d been playing around with AMR you had updated the Emerald Dreamcatcher rotation and given it a special APL. Everything looks a whole lot like the SimC APL now. But to me it looks like we’re getting pretty different results. SimC gives back 965k dps, AMR gives back 878 dps.
I keep seeing, however, that it doesn’t seem like the AMR sim is using 2x SW between Starsurges when the ED buff is up. I’ve even tried just lowering all the lag and human reaction times to zero in case that was the issue. But I’m getting the same results.
I did a log output check and saw that at high enough haste, the simulator is casting SW and LS between SS. Otherwise, however, it seems to be alternating between LS between Starsurges. In other words, it just casts, SS → LS → SS until it runs out of AP (sometimes it weaves in another spell) and goes back to building. But that seems suboptimal. It would be better to build high and then:
SS → LS → SS → SW x 2 repeat until it runs out of AP and goes bak to building.
I was tipped off to the difference by the difference in the damage breakdown. Both are getting about 37% of total damage from Starsurge, but AMR is getting 21% of damage from LS and 15% of damage from SW. SimC is getting 20% of damage from SW and 17% from LS.
Since SW is higher baseline DPS and AP/sec, it’s not surprising to see the SimC doing more damage.
I also noticed a pretty big discrepancy in resource generation.
Both fights averaged about 300 seconds but:
AMR generates: 2686.1 Astral Power
SimC generates: 4571.91 Astral Power
I thought maybe something was going wrong with the fight lenghts, but SimC only generated 40 more AP with the moon spells (ie one extra cast of Fullmon).
The big differences were in the Lunar Strike and Solar Wrath totals. That’s reflected in the total casts.
AMR: 72.3 SW, 74.5 LS, 90.1 SS
SimC: 98.9 SW, 63.7 LS, 99.7 SS
I’d love to crack this nut and figure out what’s going on.
Is SimC making some unrealistic assumptions?
Why isn’t AMR casting 2x SW even though the character has enough haste to do so?
Where does the AMR APL differ?
Any help/discussion would be much appreciated. I really appreciate everything being done by AMR and would love to figure out why there’s such a large discrepancy with SimC.