Best in Bags is completely confused

Regarding to this post I am referring to snapshot ID 6c916c23c373445196455927de721833.
When I try to use best in bags, AMR tries to change a few things, which is fine, but something obviously isn’t right here… when I force AMR to use exactly the items I already have equipped (and therefore the same equip-setup I’ve had before) it tells me I will do more damage with the (not) changed equip than with the equip I’ve had before (although they are identical)…
AMR also doesn’t suggest changing the azerite traits on my gear although (when clicking on it) it clearly believes that there is improvement to be made…

When I lock in everything, the score change shows as 0%

Make sure that you choose all the same essences - you have Focusing Iris equipped and your settings were telling it to use condensed life force. Also make sure to lock in your gems/enchants as well if you don’t want it to change anything.

on a related note, when I use snapshot ID 5a2a4171d2be48a187a52fd9ca7448ba it optimizes so that I will do LESS damage according to AMR…

You are using a custom stat distribution. The optimizer thinks that your custom stats will reduce your damage. That’s just something you have to be ok with when you decide to force the optimizer to a certain solution!

thatnks, I didn’t even notice… obviously my mistake