BiB: How can I set upgrade level for gear?

Example: I got new loot, let’s say chest, upgrade level tier (2/8), and I want to include this item to BiB if it would be for example Runed Crest (like in upgrade finder).
Thanks a lot and Regards,

So the upgrade finder essentially does this with the Valorstone/Crests search: it will upgrade the item, add it to your inventory, then try various combinations of your other gear with it and show you the highest score that it could find.

That sounds like what you are asking to do?

Hmm… I think it’s not really what I am looking for. If I could put the upgraded item, which I added to my inventory, use in BiB, than it would be useful, but it is not working and would be complicated anyway.

For example, if I have 20 upgrade-able items in my bag and I want to know which one combinated with my gear and another items in my bags is the best in bag combination, and worth to upgrade. How to do without checking every 20 items in upgrade finder?

I’m wondering if we aren’t quite understanding each other… I believe that the Valorstones/Crests search will give you a list that tells you the answer to your exact question in your latest post.

Say you have 20 items that can be upgraded. For each item in that list of 20, the Valorstones/Crests search will:

  1. Upgrade the item (as far as your max upgrade level setting allows)
  2. Equip the upgraded item
  3. Run Best in Bags to try many combinations of gear, but require this one item to be in the solution
  4. Show you the difference between the score of the best solution that could be found that contains this specific upgraded item compared to your current Best in Bags solution

The item at the top of the Valorstones/Crests search is thus the item that will give you the best result if you upgrade it.

The “Quick Rank” search does a much simpler ranking than the other searches, and thus why it can rank so many more items at once. But the other searches like Valorstones/Crests actually do close to a Best in Bags optimization using each item in the list.

Hi again.

To be clear. You mean:

  1. Upgrade the item → in the Game or “virtually” somewhere on the webpage?

Here is a screenshot of the Upgrade Finder for my warrior:

That list in the middle shows all of my items that can be upgraded – I have 60* upgradeable items.

The box outlined in red is the setting that controls how high I am willing to upgrade any particular item – in this case I have set it to the max value of item level 639, which means I’m willing to upgrade any item to its max level. (We may change this setting in the near future, but for now this is how you control essentially the highest level of crest that you are able and willing to obtain.)

So now I press “Find Upgrades”, and this is what I see:

In the first screenshot, notice that the top item in the list is a 571 1/8 Adventurer Enkindled Locket. In the results I have outlined what it becomes once I upgrade it: a 593 8/8 Adventurer Enkindled Locket, and it would be my 6th best potential upgrade.

Were I to upgrade that particular necklace in-game, the Upgrade Finder is estimating that I could increase my Best in Bags score by around 1.12%.

So with that information I can decide which item I should upgrade in-game. In this case, I’d probably go with one of the other items that ranks higher.

*Note that 60 is a lot of potential upgrades. The ranking only actually tries upgrading 41 of them in this case. It does some automatic pruning of items that are very likely too low item level to be worth upgrading so that it can speed up the ranking.

Hello. Thank you a lot for explain.
I understand this feature, and I tryed it out. But it is not practical (for me).

I am missing “Max Upgrade Level” in Best in Bags. Something like this:

I think, with this additional dropdown it would be a lot of more easy?!

When you say it is not practical, what in particular are you trying to do?

We are working on a few updates to the cost efficiency rankings of the valorstone/crest upgrade feature – it is actually a quite difficult problem to answer well (both as a player and as an optimization programming problem). We are gathering feedback from users on what they would like to see.