BiB recommending replacing my Crucible of Flame Rank 3 with Crucible of Flame Rank 1

I bought an upgrade to The Crucible of Flame to rank 3 From Mother with Essences of Ny’alotha

AMR doesn’t like my new Rank 3 and wants to replace it with Rank 1. Obviously I cannot do that.

Any ideas?

AMR paste


Pleas can you provide a Snapshot ID - from BiB Help button - to give a better view of how you’ve set you character up; the data string doesn’t allow for as full a viewpoint as you get.

Thank you.

Snapshot ID


I didn’t know I could do this.

Does this help?

I found the problem, in the “setup” tab call “set Up Best in Bag”. You had select Crucible of Flame rank 1.
Wich is what you probably had the last time you did BiB.
AMR doesnt update this automatically; just change it in the drop down menu and your are all good.

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Thank you…
Who would have ever imagined that I had to think about my setup :slight_smile:

All is fixed now, TY again.

(and I will remember to look harder next time)


Dont hesitate to ask even if the answers is “simple” for someone doesn’t mean you found it on the first look =D