Just curious, why would BiB suggest I change a 151 iLvL Quick Oxxein Ring for a 59 iLvL Soul of the High Priest?
The Quick Oxxein Ring has +38 Stamina, +71 Haste, +16 Haste (Quick Jewel Cluster), and +29 Versatility.
The Soul of the Thigh Priest has +14 Stamina, +13 Critical Strike, +16 Haste, +9 Mastery and + 16 Mastery (Tenet of Mastery).
I understand the stats want me to lower my haste and increase my mastery, but at the expense of almost 100 iLvLs? That’s the difference between running normal dungeons and heroic dungeons, or a few more iLvLs and the difference between heroic and mythic dungeons. Doesn’t the sim take iLvL into consideration as well? Just wondering, if I had a couple more items that does this, my iLvL could conceivably drop to 148, definitely keep me out of heroic dungeons regardless of my dps.
I know these are guides, and I can hide the Soul of the High Priest, or any other item that is doing this as well. I’m just curious if the iLvL is taken into consideration or only the stats and the iLvL is simply a guide itself (although most players care more about iLvL aka gear score than stats when looking to accept a player into their dungeon / raid groups).