Heya - Now that the Corruption bow is working properly, I figured I’d share some BM rotation tweaks I had made. Seems to be good for a 4-5k dps increase on my character, and hopefully some of that can translate to increases for other players / builds.
AMR Rotation :: 66,677 dps
Edited Rotation :: 71,528 dps
This rotation is primarily based on the corruption bow / vision minor essence + cookie-cutter build (but might have some generic implementations as well), and also emphasizes more uptime on Bestial Wrath and Dance of Death traits.
Edit :: Oh, forgot to add multi-target Aspect w/ Rapid Reload trait (override the single-target Aspect + WV combo), so that’s a pretty big cleave increase as well.
AMR M+ Rotation :: 87,900
Edited M+ Rotation :: 97,125
Test Rotation ::
(Edit: Forgot to add links to the sims)