Classic: Gear missing when copy/pasting string in webpage then loading Best in Bags

9 pieces of my equipped gear are not loading into the website when I copy/paste the string from the addon in game. I’m running v5. Help, please!

Could you provide us with the string of data that you are copying from the in-game addon to the website?

As a follow-up potential guess without being able to see your specific character or an example of a specific item that is not appearing: are you playing Season of Discovery. We unfortunately do not support SoD, so it is probable that some SoD-only items will not appear.

(post deleted by author)

I am playing SoD but these are not SoD items… However, they are equipped with runes. Perhaps that is why they aren’t showing up. Thanks! :slight_smile:
When the new servers open tomorrow, I believe they will be straight classic, not SoD. Will Mr. Robot be supported?