I don’t trust this suggestion so I thought I’d check in and see if everything looks fine with it. I’ve locked in the Avenger’s Shield azerite traits in my helm and shoulders, but other than that everything else should be vanilla BiB suggestions. I am confused by the Crit gem and enchant I am being recommended when both my stat graph says I should Mastery it up, and my preferred setup is Mastery-focused.
Yeah, I thought it might be that. In this case I am turning this into a feature request for the optimizer to say something like “here’s the data point we are pushing you towards”
The “stat analysis” is our attempt to give people that simple answer they want for quickly estimating if gear is good at a glance. What the optimizer does is always “the data point” that it is working towards.
I think what he is asking for is for AMR to tell the User what Data point it is aiming for. It has the graph, and shows the up and downs, but gives no indication of where AMR is currently “looking” at on the graph.
It could be a helpful thing to have. “What Data point are you looking to point me at?” Because there are plenty of data points, but no indication of which one AMR is currently valuing. Because on some graphs it can say “0 Vers” and the Bar next to it is “1806 Vers”, so it could be helpful if it said, “Hey, we are looking at the 1806 Vers, so that’s why we are pushing Vers so high!”
Yeah, I’m just saying - we’ve been there. It confused people and they didn’t like it!
I actually never saw a moment when something like that was implemented on the site and I’ve been using it for years.