Does not show BIS legendary for resto shaman

Hey guys, I have Roots of Shaladrassil and this is BIS by version of Restoration Shaman Healing Gear and Best in Slot - Dragonflight 10.0.5 - World of Warcraft - Icy Veins

and mr.robot do not show me this item in the choice of the legendary items:

Here goes my string:

Start by revisiting that character & clicking ‘unlock all’ at the top of BiB. Then re-run BiB and see if anything changes.

This is what I get when I run your string (above) then run BiS…

I clicked on unlock all, then on start over, paste my string and click on find best in bags. I still do not see an option with Roots of Shaladrassil:

When I run it, I see the same thing that shootingstarr sees.

I ran a test… and the optimizer is doing the correct thing there – with the raid healing script, using the BiB setup simulates to around 4% more healing than your current setup with the Roots of Shaladrassil. That puts it outside the range where we show extra legendary combos – about 3%.

I say “correct” because the goal of the optimizer is to match simulation results. It may be that you think the simulation needs to be tweaked for restoration shamans. Here is a simulation of your character with your current gear:

You will see that the Roots do around 3.3% of your total healing. This is using a fight with very predictable damage patterns, so the Roots probably aren’t that good an item for it. For a fight with lots of random/constant damage to deal with, the Roots would probably be better.

For example, on something like Varimathras where damage is constantly ticking, I’d expect it to do a lot more healing (though it is an open questino to me how “useful” most of that healing is… since AoE/background heals will be splashing all over the place as well – would just have to test it).

All that aside: healing and tanking optimization is definitely less “black and white” than DPS optimization. If a legendary option is missing from the list due to how the data turned out, feel free to just lock it in and let it optimize around it. You are essentially saying “I have an extra piece of information about this item or a preference for it that you don’t know about.” That’s totally fine (and expected).