Dragonflight Roadmap

Will these pages ever come back? Not Available


Forgive me, as it has been a while since I’ve used this site but last I remember there was a section that shows what enchants/gems are also good for current gear. Has that been removed?

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Best in Bags will do this for you. We had another section called “Gear Check” but it more or less became irrelevant over the years – Best in Bags does everything that did but better.



Set Bonus Rankings

Many tier set bonus rankings have been updated.

Force Tier Set

This option should now work for Best in Bags and Best in Slot. Let us know if you run into any issues – we had to create a new implementation different than Shadowlands – the SL version never quite worked as reliably as we wanted.

Neck Sockets

We added an option to Best in Bags (and by extension Upgrade Finder) and Best in Slot to let you choose if you want to add extra sockets to neck items before ranking. We may need to add a few more features around this… but for now it should cover the main use cases.

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Any estimated timeframe on that talent optimizer? Pretty excited to try it out. Though, I play a druid and my tree is changing pretty soon, but still!

I’m hoping to have a beta for people to try next week sometime assuming all goes well.



Today’s update fixed several bugs reported over the holidays and got caught up on a few hotfixes.

Secondary Stat Customization

We added a new feature for people to try out when doing secondary stat customization. You will now see a slider under the “pie” for aggressively you want to go for that custom secondary allocation.

It defaults to a value that we have determined to be pretty balanced between getting your secondary balance and increasing your overall stats. But if you want to put more value on your stat balance, slide it to the right towards “Favor Secondaries”. Or if you think the optimizer is being too aggressive, slide it to the left towards “Favor Ilvl”.

There is no “right” answer once you start customizing like this – just play around until the optimizer is doing what you want!

Coming Soon

Still working on the talent optimization feature, and still on target to get a beta out soon!

We are also working on creating several new default strategies for people to use. Our goal with this expansion is to offer a lot more options “out of the box” than we have in the past – this is one of our biggest motivations for going towards a faster, more agile scoring method. Now that people have started raiding and hitting M+ a lot, we are seeing trends emerge and will make strategies to follow these trends.

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Will the Upgrade Finder - Valor be available soon?

Yes – we’ll add that soon. Some of the raw data was missing to implement it properly but it should be available now. We’ll get it in sometime this week.

Thank you for the fast reply and effort.

I just posted an update (might take a minute or two to show up) with the valor upgrade finder search enabled. You will need to re-import your character data from the addon to get the upgrade level information, then it should show your items in the list.

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Is there an ETA on when the theory section will be back online? I don’t sim but I used to use it to find out any details I needed on things.

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According to what I understand, they are first focusing on the optimizer above all else, but they do not know if they will bring it back. I have already said it in another post, but I find it highly regrettable if it were not to return…



Today’s update has a few bug fixes in response to recent posts so give it another try if you had an issue. And a few strategy updates and new features!

Updated Strategies

This update has significant updates to our model for Affliction Warlock, tweaks to Holy Priest, and some fixes and new customization options for Holy Paladin (new spec options to let you control your distance to allies).

New Healer Customization Option: “Healer Playstyle”

This is a bit of an experiment: a new customization option that lets you adjust from “proactive” to “reactive”. In essence, the more “reactive” you push it, the more it will favor haste. The more “proactive” you go, the more it will stick to the raw math and favor whatever maximizes your healing output.

More haste-heavy healer strategies have been a popular request for a while. We have always had a hard time quantifying it though… since on paper… haste is often not as good as other choices. This setting is an attempt to capture some of the more “intangible” benefits of haste that players enjoy.

New Tank Customization Options

The first is a simple one, enemy attack speed. 2.0 is common, but so is 1.5.

The second is a widget to let you adjust the kind of damage you are taking. Bleed damage is physical, but bypasses armor and cannot be avoided. AoE magic damage is the same as magic, but is also affected by the Avoidance stat.

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Since there is a lot of customization options but only one button to reset everything to default it would be nice to have a reset button for each section. Maybe a small one like a circled arrow, ie like in game when talents changed.

And some explanations how tanking widget reflect the changes. For me it’s almost do nothing or expecting. Like raising crit when asking about more bleed / magic damage

We could look into a per-section reset button.

I would need a snapshot as an example where you think an optimization isn’t working as intended. Increasing bleed/magic damage will devalue a lot of your core mechanics on most tank specs, since they are often focused around physical, and specifically melee damage.

Hey, Mr. Robot!

I am just a simple human wondering if the simulate dps section is returning anytime soon? :slight_smile:

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Sorry, can’t reproduce with new pieces of loot. Now it’s just stick with my new items all the time. Next time will save a snapshot.

But got a new question. A type of damage should be raw or mitigated?
Usual boss fight - 30% magic, 10-15 aoe and only 30% melee mitigated but if check raw numbers - melee jumps to 60%+

They have said probably not.

It upsets me a little that they’re not doing these pages anymore; these were the reason I even paid in the first place. They were accommodating as a healer.

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