Error in processing every time

Hi, I bought premium subscription and I wants to use client. So it errors me everytime when I want to process something with “Connection/transient error, waiting a couple minutes to try reconnecting…”

Here is logs:
“Id”: “79c7c4316c39411bb44425d79214e585”,
“Date”: “2020-01-23T03:45:33.4490064Z”,
“Message”: “Response status code does not indicate success: 500 (Internal Server Error).”,
“Type”: “System.AggregateException”,
“StackTrace”: " at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\r\n at TeamRobot.Wow.Simulator.Services.SimWorker.Run(Action2 callback, Action1 status, Action`1 info, String chunkQueueName, String chunkTableName, String csvFolder, CancellationToken outsideCancelToken)\r\n at amr.Worker.RunWorker()\r\n at amr.Worker.Start()\r\n at amr.Program.Main(String[] args)"

Usually that means there’s something interrupting the client’s ability to reliably connect to our server… it is a bit difficult to diagnose though. Could be something blocking certain traffic, a spotty internet connection, something going on with an unusual network setup like a VPN or proxy…

Do any of those things seem like likely candidates in your case?

I thought, that my country is blocking some services, so I’ve connected to VPN in Europe and nothing has changed

Ok, sorry. I had MitM proxy activated without SSL stripping.