Error running simulations: Unrecognized function: MajorEssenceRank

Hi! Trying to run Simulations on my mistweaver monk.

I’m getting the following error:

Error parsing: = (HasTalent(SpiritOfTheCrane) or HasTalent(RisingMist) or MajorEssenceRank(ConflictAndStrife) > 0) and FightSecRemaining <= FightDurationSec, message: Unrecognized function: MajorEssenceRank

Can you give me a link to the simulation? That looks like you are possibly using an old rotation instead of the updated one.

Looks like thats the case. I was trying the Rising Mist rotation.

Hey ! =D This is an old rotation that was used during BFA for few amount of time whne Mistweaver where so OP they could solo heal all boss Mythic.
This one have no utility in shadowland that i’m aware.