Error with best in bag

Snapshot ID : 70c99562f581466f9ac20810daa11300
Getting error on the site requesting me to make this post.
EDIT : Went to the site after upgrading some stones for the onyx ring. Noticed before that there are some issues if you have multiple of the rings, it is seeing the itemlvl of 1 of the rings and trying to put the stones into that one. Where the ilvl is impacted by the lvl of the stones. So help, support for having multiple onyx rings for M+ and raid and healing etc seems to lack a bit. So maybe the error is related to this.

When pressing the Bib button I’m getting the following error:

There was an error in the optimization.

Please press the ‘Help’ link next to the big ‘Best in Bags’ section header on this page, then click CREATE SUPPORT POST, and follow the instructions to post a snapshot on our forum.

Someone will help you within 24 hours on business days.

Thanks for the post, I found the bug and we will fix it today. I’ve been doing some work on enhancement and accidentally let a bug slip through. You can get around it for the time being by not picking the ashen catalyst talent.

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I just updated the site with a fix for this issue.

Thanks, yes it works again.