First off, congrats are in order on the V2 tank sims. They seem much more reasonable than the old version, and the addition of the Blender has been a great addition.
I recently ran simulations of my Brewmaster Monk, and while the stat targets seem reasonable, it’s giving me what I consider to be highly questionable advice when it comes to legendaries when I run the BiB.
Right now, I have three legendaries, Jewel of the Lost Abbey, Archimonde’s Hatred, and Firestone Walkers. Generally speaking, the community considers Jewel, AHR, and Lost Tunic to be the best 3 legendaries for raiding, with Anvil-Hardened Wrists as a viable M+ choice. Firestone is generally considered one of the worst possible legendaries to get, since it only slightly reduces the cooldown on an ability that you only use in emergencies.
BiB, however, is of the strong opinion that, no matter what the situation. Krosis, Spellblade, M+, and 100% DPS blend, that Firestone is the best option.
This seems patently silly. At best, Firestone gives you 1 more big defensive cooldown per fight, and on a flight like Krosis, it’s only -2s every 8s, since you’re only hitting one target. Compared to Jewel, which improves the core Stagger mechanic and smooths your healing out, and AHR, which is a massive shield, on a fairly short cooldown, that also does good single target damage.
If anything, going 100% DPS focus should keep me using AHR, but BiB says my best possible DPS is using two legendaries that don’t provide any added DPS at all.
Is there some kind of issue/bug? Something in the simulation that’s causing Fortifying Brew to be highly valued over other mechanics?