I do not know what or how to report. My game locks up after I copy from the site and tab back into the game to paste to the add-on. I can sometimes wait a little bit and it does not happen. All though the last few times it has frozen the game up enough to get the popup “to close program” or “wait for the game to respond” I have been just waiting and the game responds in a short time. .
A quick google search of this issue came up with a couple potential solutions:
- In your WoW Graphics options under Advanced, set your Max Foreground FPS and Max Background FPS to the same value
- Disable G-Sync in the Nvidia control panel if you have a g-sync enabled monitor and video card
I can’t say for certain either of those will help, but the first one in particular is easy to try.
Unfortunately I’m not the best at troubleshooting general PC issues