Guild Subscription?

I subscribed my guild to the service, and i have a dedicated server in my house running the client.
None of my fellow guild mates can utilize my server. Is this be design? or do i need to set something up to allow them access to it?

We don’t have the ability to share a pool of simulation clients across a group of users at the moment. It would be a cool feature though, and is on our radar as an enhancement to guild subscriptions in BfA.

If you need testers please let me know.
I’d be glad to be of assistance

I was just wondering about this. I really want to provide fast sims for my guild.
So is this a thing yet? :slight_smile:

It is not a thing yet :frowning:

We just haven’t had time to develop it. It’s on the list of things that would be cool if we ever had time!

I am also very interested in this as I have a few servers here at home. Please let me know if i can be of assistance testing this!

I’d like to bump this

Id also like to bump this, i have quite a few users id like to get involved in using this, but shy of starting multiple clients on a single machine and having them give me the configuration files to run it, its not very user friendly to share my resources with my own team. Im happy to share the resources with glonet, but can the glonet server setup be sharded or layered to prioritize based on Personal,Guild,then Glonet Queues and just leave it like so. and put all the opt-in information on our account page. essentially letting borrow resources under my token authenticated through the guild subscriptions?

If your services are open source id be happy to contribute some code to help the cause.

Yeah this is one of those features that would be nice to add, but we have had so few people interested that it never makes it to the top of the todo list.

I’ll give it some thought though and see if there would be an easy way to allow it that doesn’t involve a ton of work or UI changes to support it, etc.

I dont think its ‘few people being interested’. I just dont think people are aware that it could be a thing.
Also the average player doesnt really think in these ways as a guildmaster or a raidleader would.

You are already using tokens for the sim client. What if i could share a token to my guildmembers that would direct their sims to my server?
In practice:
I share a token to my guildmembers.
My guildmembers then logs into AMR and insert that token into their account.
All my guildmembers’ sims are now directed to my server.
I cant say how your system works, but i dont think that would be “a ton of work”.