Legendary BUG? Lower Legendary items are shown as being better

Why does the upgrade finder for example as a Frostmage (Multi Target) show me a lower legendary (Icebringer 225) when I do have the 235 equipped although I marked hide Downgrades?

The legendary ranking is a bit different than other upgrade finder rankings. Read more about it here: Shadowlands Legendary Rankings

Short version: it’s more of an “absolute” ranking, because people generally want to plan ahead with their legendaries rather than see something specific to only the gear currently in their bags.

We show the 225 version because… we have to show a version! It doesn’t really matter that much, the ranking is more about the power of the legendary effect, and a suggestion about which secondary stats to put on it.

OK. Thank you for the explanation.

Hi, I too have the same problem. I have a 262 Invoker’s Delight cloak with crit and vers, and the legendary upgrade is telling me that the 249 cloak version with the same stats is 3.74% better!!!

Read the link in my previous post – it explains how the legendary ranking works differently.

I did read your previous post. However, since this was exactly the same item with the same stats, but 13 ilvls lower, this should not have been suggested at all.

Maybe it can’t see ilvl 262 leggo’s?

Don’t worry about the item level in the legendary list. That list is a relative ranking of the legendary powers themselves, and a recommendation of which secondary stats to put on the item, and which slot to use it in.

It does not follow the same format as other upgrade finder rankings for the reasons outlined in the post, so you can’t read it as “if I were to replace the item in my hands slot with the legendary in this list, my score would go up by X%”. That’s not how it works.

Instead, it is an “absolute” ranking of the relative value of legendary powers – that ranking won’t change regardless of which gear you currently have equipped.