Lua Error from Interface Addon

I logged today and did a new sim on my ele, but when I went to import the gear info into the game, I received the following error:

Message: Interface\AddOns\AskMrRobot\Import.lua:226: table index is nil
Time: Tue Jul 6 19:56:24 2021
Count: 1
Stack: Interface\AddOns\AskMrRobot\Import.lua:226: table index is nil
[string “@Interface\AddOns\AskMrRobot\Import.lua”]:226: in function <Interface\AddOns\AskMrRobot\Import.lua:127>
[string “@Interface\AddOns\AskMrRobot\Import.lua”]:397: in function ImportCharacter' [string "@Interface\AddOns\AskMrRobot\Import.lua"]:11: in function <Interface\AddOns\AskMrRobot\Import.lua:9> [string "=[C]"]: ? [string "@Interface\AddOns\GSE\Lib\AceGUI-3.0\AceGUI-3.0.lua"]:72: in function <Interface\AddOns\GSE\Lib\AceGUI-3.0\AceGUI-3.0.lua:70> [string "@Interface\AddOns\GSE\Lib\AceGUI-3.0\AceGUI-3.0.lua"]:306: in function Fire’
[string “@Interface\AddOns\AskMrRobot\ui\AmrUiButton.lua”]:25: in function <Interface\AddOns\AskMrRobot\ui\AmrUiButton.lua:22>


Try the following to reset all data in the addon:

After that, try pressing Send to Addon on the website and import into the in-game addon again, see if it clears up the issue.

Thanks for the info.