Currently with the add-on you can swap spec and gear, can this be written into a macro so I could have a one click button or does the add-on window need to be open for the gear swap if it isn’t the gear default for that spec?
You can right-click the Addon minimap button to cycle through your sets/specs.
Okay, but that’s slower than opening up the add-on and selecting it from the list, I’m trying to make it faster. If a macro has the ability to select a spec and gear set from the Ask Mr Robot add-on I make a macro to select it instead.
Yes, you can do it with a macro. You will see your setups in the dropdown list on the Gear tab of the UI, each one gets a number internally starting with 1 at the top, e.g. if my list looks like:
Blood Raid
Blood M+
And i want to make a macro to activate “Blood M+” I would do
/amr equip 3
To add to what @yellowfive said, you can include a modifier to the macro to switch between multiple sets… but it may be that you already know how to macro modifiers, so… apologies for being ‘obvious’.
Thanks yellowfive that is preciously what I wanted, very helpful, and eighjan extra info is always better than not enough so thank you too.
I’m a Druid, so I have four specs, I have two builds per spec which makes it eight, so it really does help my gaming experience a lot to jump to the right one rather than cycling through them all.
Also, I have an add-on called select which allows right clicking on an icon to bring up a small menu of other spells/items to select, I think Mages have this as part of their setup, so just one icon and eight easily selectable specs/gear setups is going to be great.
Thank you.
Sorry if I resurrected a defunct topic, but I’ve been searching for some way to setup my raid vs pve world specs without having to constantly reconfigure everything all the time. Unfortunately ‘specswap’ addon had been disabled and I don’t see anything replacing it.
But since I use AMR for my specs’ setups, I thought I should just ask if this function still works to swap spec setups with a simple macro. Otherwise I have to open my talent window, change the talents I want, then do my ‘best in bags’ from AMR to make sure the gear/trinkets/weapons are swapped to match. This take a bit of time since I have to go to a safe zone in order to accomplish then, then make sure my conduit choice also matches which requires me to go to my covenant.
There has got to be some way I can streamline this without so much jumping around. People have told me to use an addon called ELVUI but I don’t like that addon (I tried it and it was horribly complicated).
So when I found this topic here, I decided my best option would be to simply ask. Considering this is an old thread, I thought to resurrect it instead of opening a new one, since it seems to be addressing some of what I am looking for.
Note: I am new to using AMR and am still trying to understand all it can do for me.
Yes, you can use a macro to swap to any of your Best in Bags setups loaded into the Gear tab of the in-game addon, it still works the same as when this post was made. You can then drag that macro onto an action bar like any other macro.
For talents and soulbind, there is an option on the options tab of the in-game addon to enable automatically changing your talents and active soulbind (as long as you are in an area where that can be done, or have used a tome that allows you to change those things for a minute).
Please note that the option to automatically change gear when you change specs should be disabled if you use the talent switching option – they don’t work together very well for technical reasons. It’s better to just use the macro or the button on the in-game addon to do it.
It won’t change conduits – you still need to go to the soulforge to do that.