… They’re iLvl 60 and show a drastic reduction in my overall character score when equipped. When I mark those items to “ignore” Mr. Robot instead puts nothing in my weapon slots. Please help?
Additional info - my DH is lv 80, and has iLvl 584 items equipped.
If you provide a snapshot ID, we can take a look at your case. You can create one by pressing the “help” link next to the big Best in Bags section header:
I’ve got the same error, also my feeds are not updating and not showing correct informations?
Here is my snapshot ID:
In your case, there is no weapon in your bag that the addon recognizes. Do you have a weapon in-game that you think it should see?
Keep in mind that the addon ignores weapons without the correct primary stat.
Yes I had one in my bag, now it also recognizing the boots… maybe some magican has fixed it. Thanks to the unkown hero <3