Names in my show shopping list?

How can i delete the names that don’t exist anymore in my show shopping list ???Thank you

That’s a good question… I don’t think we have a way to remove a character from the list right now.

You could edit your settings file manually until we add a way to do it directly in the addon, if you feel comfortable doing so. Directions below:

  1. Completely exit World of Warcraft – log out and make sure the game is closed.

  2. In File Explorer on your computer, locate your AskMrRobot.lua settings file in your World of Warcraft folder. It will be at a location like:

C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\Account\YOURACCOUNT\SavedVariables\

(If you are playing WotLK, it will be in the _classic_ folder instead of _retail_)

  1. Make a copy of your AskMrRobot.lua file just to be safe, you can save it right in this same folder, just call it whatever you want, e.g. AskMrRobot_backup.lua. You can revert to this backup if something goes wrong.

  2. Open AskMrRobot.lua in any text editor such as notepad

  3. Search for “Shopping2” in the file, you should see something like this:

	["global"] = {
		["Shopping2"] = {
			["Characterone-My Server"] = {
				["setups"] = {
			["Charactertwo-My Server"] = {
				["setups"] = {

Where I put … you’ll see more stuff: a list of your setup names and the materials for the shopping list.

  1. Find a character you don’t want anymore, and delete the block for that character. In this example if I didn’t want Characterone anymore, I would delete everything from and including the line with

["Characterone-My Server"] = {

down to and including the line with


that appears just above the start of the next character, in this case Charactertwo. If it is the last character, there will just be another line with }, below it, but not indented as far.

  1. Repeat for every character you want to remove, then save the file.

  2. Start up WoW again and they should be removed from the list.

Thank you very much , u must be an E.T. for sure to understand this language i surely don’t and it will stay this way until you guys and M.Robot fix it .But there is just no rush and it doesn’t change anything .Thanks guys for doing your best to keep us happy .