Not swapping gear for small but valid upgrades

Snapshot ID: 1b76962656cb496a8e9220f92ae5460b

So I am plugging in my current best in bags here as I am confused at why its not swapping some of the gear in the recommendation. For my neck and shoulders when I click the slot to see the other viable gear it says I have gear that is better than what is equipped but why is it not then recommending it? Like my shoulder slot is a 0.37% upgrade over what is being shown for best in bags but I had to click the menu to show it.

Even after further changes, I swapped some rings around and its still showing like a 0.46% upgrade for ring to be swapped but its not changing it for best in bags yet its showing its an upgrade? ID: 34107585856d47ce84f75b6e807ee8db

I’m not sure why it isn’t choosing that ring… I’ll play around with it in the debugger and see if I can figure out what’s up.

So… this is actually a pretty difficult case. The problem is that your gear has better enchants than your settings allow – you are not allowing any enchants, but you have e.g. a good weapon and leg enchant. The optimizer can get into a weird state where it is not allowed to create solutions that are as good as your current gear when you do this.

If you really want this behavior (i.e. "don’t use any gems or enchants except keep the ones that I have already done myself), you should lock the enchants that you have done manually. e.g. on your weapon and legs, click the enchant in the solution to bring up the list. Find your current enchant in the popup list, and click it. You’ll see the orange lock appear next to it. Now optimize again – it should give a better result.

I’ll see if we can make this combination of settings work better without the user having to lock in the enchants in a future update, but this should be a decent workaround for now.

Ah okay makes sense. I just figured that none acted as a lock as well in a way. And that if there were any even 0.1% upgrades in this scenario it would then place them into the slots. I wanted to optimize without buying any crazy enchants as the prices right now are a bit wild and I’m often changing pieces still. I figured the optimizer would choose the pieces that had enchants then pick the rest of the pieces around those.

Yeah it generally does do what you say… I may have found a case where it was pruning out possible solutions with your existing gems/enchants, so we’ll see if that helps in the next update without needing to lock things.

The Gem+Enchant Threshold is another good way to save gold. We significantly improved its behavior this expansion. It does a very good job of not suggesting low-value gem/enchant changes, while keeping the higher value suggestions.

Yeah, I was using it to buy enchants for gear for raiding and before I got some more heroic pieces, the enchants I currently had were residual. Will there be a notification when AMR is updated so I can unlock my enchants?

As soon as I manually locked the enchants it did the recommendations I was curious about.
ID: 4536ac47f60c428fbfe7733d595f855f
Shows it working with locked enchants. But it seemed to make 2 of my enchants hidden.

I’ll make a post here when we do the next site update.

We just posted an update with some improvements that should make the “None” settings behave better in cases where the user has already done some gems/enchants on their gear. You shouldn’t need to lock the enchants anymore.