Optimization error on my Tauren warrior

I get an error whenever I try to optimize my character Muella-SilverHand. My other characters work. She is a Tauren Warrior with all three specs. The Arms spec seems to work, but I get the error on Protection and Fury.

I don’t see a big Help button on the site near any Best In Bags button or link. The error message says to use it.

If you hit that link, then press “Create Support Post” on the popup, it will generate a 32-digit snapshot ID you can copy here. I can use that to reproduce your case and we should be able to get it fixed up pretty quick.

I tried again today, same error. Here’s the snapshot ID.

Snapshot ID: 9852a7f0888344ddaa90cbef362de275

I’m guessing this character has an old/unusual/bad piece of equipment. I have another Warrior on a different server who works fine in askmrrobot.

Thanks, I’ll take a look. This appears to be a bug with protection when you have Dominance of the Colossus talent but do not have the Colossal Might talent. (The capstone talent doesn’t really work properly without the Colossal Might talent earlier in the tree.)

While I’m working on the fix, you could avoid the error by changing your protection warrior’s talents.

Thanks! That wasn’t the problem, though. I do have Colossal Might.
Just to check, I changed Hero talents to Mountain Thane. Same issue with askmrrobot:

Snapshot ID: cb790353855f47e58a2ce7cd0573f618

When I load that snapshot your Protection spec still has Colossus, without the Colossal Might talent.

Note that your setups will save the talents even when you change them in-game, unless you associate an in-game talent setup with it via the “loadout” dropdown on the talent picker – then it will keep that setup in sync with the same talent loadout in the in-game talent window. This allows you to maintain multiple setups for the same spec with different talents.

I don’t quite understand what I should change in game. I used + New Loadout to name the setup, mucked around with it a bit, and exported again. Same issue:

Snapshot ID: 7f5628234296408dacf9566d2235f3d9

Possibly the export isn’t picking up all of my talents?

When you export from the addon to the website, we do not automatically change your talents. The only time that we do automatically update from your talents is the first time you create a setup so that they aren’t blank.

You need to manually change the talents for your setup by clicking anywhere in the red box:

When the talent editor opens, you can either choose one of your in-game talent loadouts in the picker at the bottom of the talent editor window, or press the “use last imported talents” button to overwrite the setup with the last talents we saw on your character in-game for the current spec.

As mentioned above, the reason that we do it like this is say for example you had two protection warrior setups: a common thing to do might be “Protection Raid” and “Protection M+”. When you export from the addon, we can’t automatically update your talents because… we don’t really know for certain which of these two setups we should overwrite. Or maybe we shouldn’t overwrite either of them… maybe you were trying something out in-game and don’t want your setups on the website to be changed.

Thus – we only update the talents for a setup when you explicitly set them via any of the methods on the talent editor window.