Optimize ASMR for SoD

i think you guys should allocate more time to make ASMR SoD friendly. its extremely popular, damn near 50/50 population Retail/SoD

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I very much agree. I’m glad I just did the trial since it doesn’t really work without having a level cap feature on the gear.

Would there really be demand for this outside a couple people? The gear available at such a low level cap is not very interesting or complicated - you can barely move your stats around! It seemed to me like SoD was more about trying weird things for a little bit.

I think this would be useful too, not least in terms of recommending gear upgrades. The problem at the moment is that you can import using the classic setup, but since talent trees are so limited my Prot Pally with consecration is using more Holy points than Prot so the website assumes he is a healer. There seems to be no easy way to override this.

The classic site wouldn’t give that great advice for SoD at the moment because it doesn’t know about or model any of the extra abilities, etc. The scoring models are also heavily optimized around max-level play… so they’re going to be very approximate at lower item levels.

Would be keen to see a SoD enabled ASMR too. (paying customer. ;-))