Panda Remix - Error reading the provided data from add-on

AMR is not accepting data from add-on. Here’s what it sends. Just want to know if AMR will fix the Panda Remix issue given that it is only active for 3 months. - Thanks

I replied to another thread - we’ll take a look this week and see if it’s something we can support. It looks like a whole different gear system, so we have to see what it will take to extract all the right item data and see if it will work with the scoring functions we have or not.

We are mostly working on The War Within right now, and don’t want to pull away too much time from that development.

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I posted an update that should resolve the loading issue for MoP remix characters.

That said… the optimizer probably won’t work that well until have an item in your inventory for every slot that is somewhat “appropriate” – basically, has your spec’s primary stat for an armor piece, right type of weapon, etc.

Sorry, still getting the same result when attempting to load AMR add-on data into the Optimizer, the “There was an error reading the provided addon data.” error message.

I was able to load the string you provided in your original post. Try clearing your browser cache and also create a new addon string in-game. If it still will not load, please post the new string from the addon and we will take a look!

Yea! It is working now. Thanks for your persistence and quick resolution of this matter. I enjoy your product and appreciate your commitment to customer satisfaction. Good journeys to you.