Pawn different to AMR?

I used AMR to equip all best gear, and then I also imported the pawn string into game for prot paladin as well, but a lvl 541 ring is saying its a 4% increase over a 568 ring when moused over, why does it do this? just one example. If I’m using AMR equip gear and the imported pawn data, should it be telling my my gear is wrong?

You can’t really do what our website does with just stat weights. You won’t always get the same answer. Stat weights just aren’t a sufficient mathematical model of the game and we stopped using them for optimization about… 8 years ago? Maybe 10? Can’t remember exactly.

That said, I need to verify that the pawn weights are working well with The War Within still, though theoretically they should be fine – the code to generate them sometimes needs tweaking to make sure it is testing over a good range of stats for a new expansion.

You should only use stat weights as a very quick way to determine if an item might be interesting at a glance, but never rely on them to make a final choice. You should put big “error bars” around stat weight scores in your head.

given all that you just said, it has been giving haste about 1/5 the value of all the other stats. This feels weird to me but I dont know.

I would need a snapshot of your specific case – unless I know what spec you are, what gear and talents you have, what settings you are using… I can’t really say.

Also keep in mind that stat weights can be pretty “local”… they just suffer from a lot of issues which is why we put a huge asterisk next to using them for any purpose at all.