Pawn import strings for WotLK

I’ve searched the forums and it’s looking like all the posts pointing people on how to get Pawn import strings must relate to retail.

Is the option to get a Pawn import string something in the works or consideration? Would be wonderful if I could use something in game while looting to see. It’s complicated by the fact that I think Pawn is messed up for DKs. They assume frost = tank and blood = dps and I’m the exact opposite. Blood tank and frost dps.


We will most likely add some pawn string support. With dragonflight breathing down our necks, we haven’t had time to do it yet.

Please spread the word if this ever happens. Canceling my premium until then.

Is this still happening some day? :slight_smile:

It’s still on the list – I’ll try to make some time soon to finish up a few pawn-related features.

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1 month later… Did you find any spare time ?

@yellowfive bump any updates?

It’s still on my list… I did get it working a bit better for dragonflight, but it is a much harder problem for WotLK due to all the annoying stat caps on things like hit. It becomes a little ambiguous what kind of weights to even generate… if you are hit-capped, should the weight on hit be very low? Or should it still be high because if you swap out one item with hit you’ll want to replace it with another good item that has hit? Those are the kinds of issues with stat weights that caused us to abandon them years ago.

That said, we’ll come up with something that will work well enough. Just taking a bit more time for WotLK since it involves creating a different process – it needs a much more carefully crafted dataset to avoid getting really wacky weights from the statistical model.