Problem in best in bags


You didn’t say exactly what the problem is… so I’m going to guess: Best in Bags is reducing your score.

That is because you have excluded your weapon! Clear the exclusion on your higher ilvl weapon and you’ll be good.

Using the snapshot you provided in your 2nd post, you have excluded every possible weapon:

You have told the optimizer it is not allowed to equip anything that you own! You should at least allow it to use your already-equipped weapon.

Sorry, I hadn’t seen it, I deleted the message.

Hi, this is correct? -1.48 dps?


Yes it is correct – you have too many restrictions forcing the optimizer to do strange things, but it is doing exactly what you have told it to do.

You have the max on-use items setting at 2, you have excluded all but your two on-use trinkets, and you have excluded all but your current on-use weapon and one other. It has no choice but to pick the other to satisfy your conditions, which results in a lower score.

You need to increase the max on-use items, or remove some exclusions.

I don’t understand.

The exclusions were to tell MrRobot “Do not change any trinkets or the weapon, change whatever you want except that”

The trinquets, I don’t want to change them, I want to use the ones that are equipped.

I don’t want to change the weapon, I want to use the one that is equipped

The option I have to “tell” MrRobot is to exclude what I don’t want to equip.

The logical thing would be for MrRobot to respect what I requested, and do the calculations with the rest of the items. If he does strange things, it means that some calculation is wrong.

At this moment, Mr.Robot has absolutely no restrictions, I have removed items) and we continue with -1.48 DPS.

I send new screenshot and code


Could it be a calculation error with Dreambinder, Loom of the Great Cycle because it is awakened? it’s an idea

Both your trinkets and the Dreambinder are on-use items. You are only allowing 2, so it is choosing a weapon without an on-use effect. That’s the only possible way to satisfy this condition because in this snapshot you only have two trinkets available.

Change that setting to 3 or higher for your case.