Question about gearing twinks?

I have 3 toons lvl 20 , locked there and wonderering if AMR has any infos or help for these characters.I play them when I am unsubbed or fed up with retail , i really like to play them so if there is a gearing strat for them it would be welcome .Thanks

I seem to recall @yellowfive saying that while AMR may work for gearing strategies for sub-max. level characters, the focus is for optimisation of max. level (currently L80) characters.
I’ve often seen “highest iL possible is best, for lower level characters” but as far as secondary stat’s & min/max-ing, I don’t think that is something that are actively looking to focus on.

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Yeah – the optimizer should work “fine” at lower levels, even though it is not designed around it. For example, it works pretty well for leveling from 70->80.

The main thing you might run into is we don’t have special item effects (mainly trinkets) implemented for anything except the current expansion, so you’d have to pick those yourself and lock them in, then everything else should work fine around it.

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