Season of Discovery

Just wanted to ask if SoD is still not I. The plans to be supported?

No, sorry, it is still not in our current plans to support SoD. We can re-assess once we get past this huge update for TWW, but I’d say SoD is the least likely version of the game for us to support.

I still check in on this website from time to time to see if and when you will support SoD
I have used Ask Mr Robot in the past and loved it.
Please support SoD

Checking in again. Still want SOD for mr robot. People are leaving Classic Plus already, Sod keeps getting better.

Jan checking in SOD rules

I would love SoD update. I quit Retail months ago. I would pay premium for it.

still checking in on SOD

They must not liek money. I know a CRAP ton of people who would pay out heavy for this.

We still have no plans to supports SoD at this time, sorry about that.

And no, it’s not because we don’t like money. It’s because we haven’t figured out how to modify the physics of time to allow us to finish it along with all of our other work.