Simulation error (Spells that are persistent cannot be directly included in rotations)

Hey guys,
i keep getting the same error when i’m trying to sim my fire mage, the program gives me a link to the error and it says, (Spells that are persistent cannot be directly included in rotations. They will be activated automatically.)

i have no idea what this means, can anyone help me please

We changed how Incanter’s Flow was implemented and I forgot to update the rotation. I’ll post an update to that in a few hours, sorry.

If you want to run sims in the meantime, click the view/edit link next to the rotation. Click the Copy button at the top of your screen to make a copy of the rotation. Then delete that pre-fight action for Incanter’s Flow. (You have to be logged in to do this.)

Or, sim with a different talent.

Thanks for that, ill change the talent set up now.
