Hello I set up my shadow priest by the stat weights on Mr. robot I seem to be l be behind on the GPS I have dug deeper into the step priority for a shadow priest I am trying to set up ask Mr. robot stat weeds as follows
Haste until ~12k;
Critical Strike;
I am just not sure how to do that on your sleep do not understand any help would be greatly appreciated my character is
Arialexa on stormrage server
One other question will be a great binder work with the modified stat weights …thank you in advance
We should make a tutorial for that… but until we do here’s some instructions:
At the top of the gear optimizer above the gearing strategy picker at the middle/top of the page is a link that says “view/edit strategy”. Click that, and on the page that shows up is a section for stat weights. Type in the weights you want to use, and the caps you want to use. Then give a weight for the stat after your cap has been reached.
Enter the caps as an amount of rating on gear, e.g. 12000 if you want your gear to have 12000 total haste rating.
Press “Save and Use” button when you are done, and give it a friendly name. Then make sure it is chosen at the top of the gear optimizer page when you optimize your gear.
It may take you some trial and error to get weights that optimize how you want. Hand-entered weights can be tricky to get working well.
I see and understand what you were talking about the question now that I have is I am not sure what values to put in as I want
Haste until ~12k;
Critical Strike;
As I eventually would like to wind up with the mastery in the 50 percentage range and quit in the 30 percentage range that way I would be able to figure out which bosses would offer the best chances for the best gear what
Usually I don’t recommend entering custom weights like this. I recommend using our simulator to generate custom weights for your character, here is a tutorial: Stat weights - How to generate a custom gearing strategy
But if you want to enter in custom weights, you’ll have to use trial and error until the results look good to you. The actual numbers don’t really matter at that point, because you’re not trying to predict DPS, you’re just trying to force it to do something specific. So try starting with some simple numbers like 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5. Then adjust from there.