Strictly worse ring marked as best

I just got a new ring out of the Great Vault, but askmrrobot is being weird about it.
Snapshot ID: 209fe893d67a464fabf5b12a944b4b00

The 580 ring has: 5757 Stam, 2487 Crit, 1140 Haste.
The 616 ring has: 9938 Stam, 2504 Crit, 2651 Haste.
The sim gives a 3% advantage to the 580 ring. Maybe my mage needs to slow down and die more often? :slight_smile:

Dreadmon rings in askmrrobot

I can take a look at this tomorrow - I have to finish up some code Iā€™m working on first to run this in dev. Seems to be something with the frostfire tree is being really sensitive to haste values.