Talents and soulbinds automatically changing

Thanks – I’ll look at that and see if I can reproduce it with that option turned on, don’t think I tried that. Maybe some game even it getting fired multiple times and causing an issue.

Apparently, this has also been happening to me. I first noticed when I finished Torghast my talents wouldn’t stay on what I put them. I tried going to another rest area but they kept flipping back. Then as I was leveling my weapons and gear would just switch. I thought there might be a bug with talents after Torghast that is triggering the gear switch, but I am not sure.

The next version of the addon will fix this – basically if you have the option to automatically change gear sets when you change specs, it will disable the feature that changes your talents automatically – they don’t work well together.

If you want to use the feature to automatically update your talents to match those saved with your gear sets, you should disable the option to automatically change gear sets when you change specs.

Issue has return. My DH toon getting constant talent swap in rest areas.

What version of the addon are you using?

Have you tried disabling the option to automatically change gear sets when you change sets? Or disable the option to automatically change talents? They are on the Options tab of the in-game addon.

I’m updating via wowup so its AskMrRobot-v107 atm.
My options tab looks like on leahsmart post - with black square covering option boxes. I disabled and enabled any checkboxes but swap still happening.

Strange… I haven’t seen that happen in a while, since we fixed it several months back. Do you have any other addons that might be conflicting and also changing talents?

Just ZygorGuides with its talent options disabled. Also shestak ui but not sure if it changes anything in talents.

upd. Somehow my talents on site was different then ingame so i made it same and swap stop happening. Still not sure if checking/unchecking checkboxes in options actually works.

I found, the best way to stop this from occurring is to go the the AMR website and change the talent there also. Then re-optimize your toon,

Yes – you always want your talents on the website to match what you are using in-game, otherwise you won’t get an optimization that is tailored to the actual talents that you are using.