Upgrade Finder - Crafted Issue


I am trying to understand why on my Holy Paladin - Retail WoW. For the upgrade finder in the crafted sub-category it is suggesting a 2-hander. My issue specifically is it shows a good % upgrade for this. I went ahead and got 502 item crafted as it said that was a round a 3+% increase or more initially but when I got it crafted and did a optimize best in bags after getting the two hand mace it still says to leave my 1 hand an shield. This seems wasteful as I just spent 2 awakened on this two hander per the suggestion of the upgrade sim.

Hmm… I only have Prot. & Ret. Paladins (not a fan of Healer role) so I’m not familiar w/ the practicality of 2H for Holy. I checked for Spec. priorities & can only query if said 2H would be a boon to your Ret. setup, if you use it often enough…?